Monday, 28 May 2007

Modifications of standard Prolog

Deepweaver changes a number of standard Prolog syntactical features to bring it closer to Java, and make pattern cuts more familiar to Java developers

Declaring a predicate is no longer done using the Prolog iff term :-, instead the = symbol is used.
Terminating a predicate is no longer performed using the fullstop symbol . instead the semicolon is used ; Since the semicolon in Prolog represents or, this has now been replaced with the pipe character, |
Comments are now of standard Java form, so instead of % we have // for single line comments and /* .. */ for multiline comments
Negation is slightly different from standard Prolog in that \+ is no longer used to reperesent negation, instead use the not(A) predicate.

Finally, its worth noting that in a .dw file, only predicates preceeded by a question mark will be executed. One should declare all the required predicates and then select the one to be executed by writing ?runMe(A,B); at the end of the file.

eg. well_located(A,B) = statement(A,X), not(between(s, X, B, true));

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